joi, 29 iulie 2010

Love is weird....

We all are a little weird and life's a little weird and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it LOVE!

miercuri, 28 iulie 2010

Always go with the experience!

The things you own can't make you as happy as the things you do.. If you have to choose between buying something or spending the money on a memorable experience, don't hesitate...go with the experience!

duminică, 18 iulie 2010

A little struggle

I see the rain come down while the sun is shining! Little cold drops of rain fall involuntarily, from nowhere. The whether is warm..and it makes me feel good. Still..the little cold drops of rain are turning my life upside down. I sense a struggle inside me. What to do? Continue to enjoy the sun, the sea..the wonderful feeling! I sense the smell of fear, desire, love, sadness, happiness...all in one! Strange....

Seven blunders of the world (Mahatma Gandhi)

1. Wealth without work
2. Pleasure without conscience
3. Knowledge without character
4. Commerce without morality
5. Science without humanity
6. Worship without sacrifice
7. Politics without principle

sâmbătă, 17 iulie 2010

Mind vs soul....or better soul vs mind

The collapse kicks into action when the mind struggled to understand the feeling..the soul. I'm not going to do this anymore...Don't try to understand your soul with your mind! Better try to understand the mind with your soul..this is the way to happiness..

vineri, 16 iulie 2010


There are things that cannot be changed and we just have to accept them with serenity….and there are things that can be changed, but we need courage to change them. And we need wisdom to distinguish the one from the other…..

miercuri, 7 iulie 2010

Poate o definitie...

Omul nu stie sa iubeasca..traieste doar cu impresia ca are curajul sa infrunte dragostea asa cum este ea. Iubirea este un animal salbatic. Cand incercam sa o controlam, sa o tinem in frau, ne distruge. Cand incercam s-o inchidem, ne faci robi. Cand incercam sa o intelegem, ne tulbura si ne amageste. Dragostea este forta care ne face fericiti...unica si singura proprietate a ei este fericirea. Iubirea se pastreaza prin confruntare si transformare.

luni, 5 iulie 2010

Mai bine asa

Decat altfel...mai bine deloc sau macar azi nu. Acceptarea este una dintre cele mai reusite saluturi din viata. Este forma cea mai plata de socializare si in acelasi timp cea mai geniala. Greutatea a constat in digerarea conceptului. A urmat punerea in mici ezitari, rasturnari de situatii..reveniri spectaculoase..reprize de prelungiri..cateva faulturi..poate chiar si out-uri..Rezultatul total conteaza cel mai mult in aceasta ecuatie..a accepta inseamna a iubi.