vineri, 26 februarie 2010
Cum sa reduci factura la intretinere!
Cultura viilor a ramas in Romanica noastra o veche indeletnicire. Daca stam sa ne gandim, practic, cultura viilor este mai veche decat Romania insasi. Poetul latin Ovidiu a relatat modul in care stramosii nostri geto-dacii practicau viticultura si concentrarea vinului prin inghetare (procedura in urma careia rezulta coniacul).
Asadar, culturi de vii gasesti in tara peste tot (imposibil sa nu ai macar o cunostinta cu o astfel de cultura), traditie exista inca dinaintea formarii noastre ca si popor..spor si zahar iti mai lipsesc pentru efectuarea unui delicios vin fiert. Iar dupa consumul a cel putin o cana, te asigur ca vei simti cum temperatura corpului creste instant, nemaiavand nevoie de haine groase sau caldura excesiva. Prin urmare, vei inchide centrala (daca exista una in dotarea spatiului de locuit), sau vei reduce temperatura caloriferelor (in cazul in care sunt dotate cu repartitoare). Astfel, factura la intretinere va scadea considerabil.
miercuri, 24 februarie 2010
Have you heard about the cyberchondriacs?
I recently heard about cyberchondriacs, in a book i read some time ago - "101 Truths That Will Save Your Waistline--And Maybe Even Your Life" by NANCY L. SNYDERMAN, a chief medical editor for NBC News and reports for Nightly News.
Cyberchondriacs are people who think they can solve any disease with the help of Internet. They have show certain symptoms, and they search the internet and put there own diagnosis. NANCY L. SNYDERMAN used the example with the "swollen ankle". It you google "swollen ankle" you will find more than 197.000 answers. How to find a diagnosis among such a number of answers?!
Harris Interactive Poll, an opninie poll, showen that over 160 million people search medical information on internet, and more than 84 % of them are cyberchondriacs, meaning that they do this kind of search more then 6 time / month, tring to put a diagnosis without consulting a doctor.
I must admit that i was a cyberchondriac..This book i've been talking about made me to give up this bad habit. If we think we have a problem, we really should see a doctor, not google :)