miercuri, 8 februarie 2012

Before you talk, listen.
Before you react, think.
Before you spend, earn.
Before you criticise, wait.
Before you pray, forgive.
Before you quit, try.

(E. Hemingway)

vineri, 6 ianuarie 2012

I'm just a lightworker!!!

I'm just a lightworker....

You can go in a room full of darkness and light a little candle, and instantly darkness flees.....but you can't do the opposite! You can't go into a room full of wisdom and true and joy and helth and love and hormony with the universe and you cannot take off any amount of darkness and have any effect whatsoever..

This is way there's only light...the dualism between light and dark exists only in our mind..our hypnotize mind...

joi, 5 ianuarie 2012


Constat o folosire gresita a cuvantului karma...conceptul find prost explicat: nu ceea ce ai facut in viata ta trecuta iti va afecta prezentul, ci ceea ce faci in prezent va rescumpara trecutul si, in mod logic va schimba viitorul. Karma este dincolo de momentul prezent, dincolo de timp...
Si pana la urma chiar nu are rost sa intrebuintam cuvinte care nu vor sa spuna nik...experimenteaza!!!!!

miercuri, 23 noiembrie 2011


Impartind recompense, dar controland "bomboana" capeti control. Totul depinde de gradul in care ceilalti te plac si te respecta.....

marți, 23 noiembrie 2010

Live life!

Take chances. Tell the truth. Date someone totally wrong for you. Say no. Spend all your cash. Get to know someone random. Be random. Say i love you. Dance on the street. Laugh at stupid jokes. Cry. Apologize. Tell someone how much they mean to you. Tell a jerk what you think. Lough till your stomach hurts. Go with the flow and just live life! Regret nothing.

vineri, 8 octombrie 2010

Best thing......

The best thing in life is finding someone who knows all your mistakes and weaknesses and still thinks you’re completely amazing!